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Student experience

Students working and relaxing in Quad Theatre Cafe

MarjonStudents' Union is an essential part of your university experience, and it's not just about the social life. We sit on every major panel and decision-making board at the University to ensure the students always have a voice and that it is heard, and that your student experience is the best it can possibly be whilst you are here at ÃÀ¼§¸ó.

We are an independent charity and have an extremely strong partnership with the University and we are always looking for that to grow. We know that everyone wants the same thing for our students, to help you to get the most out of student life, in terms of your studies, friendships, extra-curricular experiences and sport.

One of our favourite parts of our job is the planning of major social events including freshers' week, graduation ball, rag week, Leavers' Dinner and May Ball. We also oversee a very wide range of societies and sports clubs, and we are always encouraging the set-up of new societies so that there really is something for everyone.


We care about making a difference for our students and campaign for things you want. We were the first university in the UK to end period poverty,  and in every bathroom there are sanitary products for you to use, for free. We run the #NeverOk campaign which is tackles discrimination and harassment of any kind. It has developed and now has many branches including promoting safe sex and providing free condoms in bathrooms by Barjon. We also work with on campaigns around mental health and the environment, and we trialled the first ever meat-free Mondays in the Hub restaurant due to student demand!

At Marjonwe can get to know you as a person. This goes both ways as you will get the chance to know us as well which makes it easier for you to come to us with problems. We look forward to welcoming you into our community.


Events and entertainment

The Student Union Bar (BARJON) is a buzzing hub for anyone attending the University. It’s rarely quiet, and boasts some of the cheapest bar prices in Plymouth. Barjon does great food, too, offering up affordable items from its grill menu seven days a week. 

A banner advertising the 2023 MarjonFresher's Festival

Freshers’ Festival Pass 2024

MarjonStudent Union Early Bird Discount Freshers Festival Pass 2024 Now on sale! Limited numbers!!!

Tickets on sale here!

MarjonStudent Union Graduation After Party 2024

MarjonStudent Union Graduation Party 2024



Graduation After party at Republic 9.30 - 1am

Tickets are £3 online (No booking fees)  £4 on the door.

Purchase your tickets here


Sport, this student can!

Given the University’s state-of-the-art sports centre and wide-ranging sports courses, it follows that the MSU oversees a huge range of sports clubs and activities. So whether you’re a netball fan, a budding badminton player, a football pro or a surfing enthusiast, you’ll find a sports niche for you through the MSU. We love encouraging people into sport, enriching their university experience and linking them to a wider social network. 



The Student Union Bar, Barjon, is the on-campus watering hole for students. MSU hosts frequent events in Barjon for students. These include live music, comedy nights and film nights, with drink and soft drink deals as well as special events such as freshers and refreshers celebrations, quizzes, beer pong championships and bar Olympics.

2017 MSU Logo

The MSU family

Plymouth ÃÀ¼§¸ó University is pretty unique. Our campus means that most students get to know each other, through academic work, sports and societies or social life. The MSU can get to know you all individually, understanding your needs and ideas, and we’re looking forward to welcoming you into our tight-knit community. 


May Ball 2024

Arguably most students’ favourite event, the May Ball takes place annually and a lot of planning goes into making it the best night of the academic year. Dress code is black tie so students are encouraged to go all out! We set up a marquee on the quad and spare no expense in making the whole night (and it really is a whole night - 6pm to 3am!) one to remember. 

May Ball info for 2024 will be added next year however if you like to look at previous May Balls click on this link here



Priority campaigns

The MSU takes its responsibilities seriously, and as part of that, we organise campaigns to raise awareness of various issues facing today’s students, such as safe sex, mental health, human rights and more. Our campaigns include debates, guest speakers, charity fundraising and social events. 


Varsity Week

Plymouth MarjonUniversity enjoys a healthy competitive spirit, and Varsity Week is students’ chance to prove themselves against students from Plymouth University. Whether you’re part of a sports team or not, there’s something for everyone with big games held on campus and at major sporting grounds in the city. 


Clubs and societies

Find your fit. We’re big on getting people involved in their passions, so the MSU oversees a huge variety of clubs and societies. So whatever your fascination, be it sports, baking, music, pole dancing, LGBT+ awareness and much much more, you’ll find the society for you. In the rare instance that you don’t, talk to the team at MSU and you could soon be involved in setting up the University’s newest club!