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Social Media Policy

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Plymouth MarjonUniversity

Social Media Policy, explained!

1. Consider people online as human beings. Consider the impact of your posts on them.

2. Personal data is just that – personal. Don’t share what isn’t yours.

3. You could be removed from your accredited course if you discredit your profession online. Know and follow the rules of your accrediting body.

4. Social media posts are almost impossible to erase. Future employers could use basic searches to understand what you are like. Don’t leave them things to find that you’ll regret later.

5. Discussing others negatively could be harassment and bullying, even in a private group, and that can result in misconduct proceedings. If you see it, call it out and stop it.

6. Don’t share confidential information online. If you’re unsure, ask first.

7. If you refer to Marjonin your profile, also state that all views are your own.

8. Every action by every action with Marjonin the name represents our brand. Make sure you know the policy.

See www.marjon.ac.uk for our social media policy.